March against Monsanto

The March against Monsanto happened a couple of weeks ago, but I still think about it often.  In Zurich, it seemed like there were about 140 people who had come to gather.  There wasn’t press coverage…but I was impressed that so many people were there.  There were families with small children, punks, fashionistas, hippies, older ’68ers (what they call the first wave hippies here in Switzerland), college students all walking together and demonstrating peacefully for safe, healthy food. My 4 year-old son and I went together, and we discussed why were there, and why it’s an important issue.

Things are safer in Switzerland at the moment, but I think that people should have awareness so they can make informed choices.  Consumers‘ demands create a market, and our food should not only taste good, but nourish our health and well-being.

Über Helen Lyu Abt

Helen Lyu Abt hat 2004 ihren „Master of Science“ in Akupunktur an dem rennomierte Tri-State College in New York gemacht und sich seither stetig weitergebildet.
Geboren in NY, lebt und arbeitet Sie im Kt. Zürich und hat Schweitzerdeutsch gelernt.
Ihre Passion für Ernährung und ihr Fachwissen für Akupunktur und TCM teilt Sie auf diesem Blog mit der Welt.

11. Juni 2013 von Helen Lyu Abt
Kategorien: English, Ernährung | Schlagwörter: | Schreibe einen Kommentar

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